
(in statu nascendi)

Please send any comments, especially corrections and additions to the dictionary, to:

Stanisław KOTER John B. RUTLEDGE

                                                    Many thanks to:

    - Luca CAGNONI for Italian terms         - Dolores CAVANAGH (Argentina) for Spanish terms
    - Francois LORHO for French terms       - Vincent NOURRIT for French and Spanish terms
    - Jens VIEBIG for German terms
    - Guido MOSCICKI for German terms

English - German - Polish - Italian - French - Spanish

A - D        E - K        L - R        S - Z

Symbols used in the dictionary:
    DEF - here you can find a definition of term
         # - English term is used
       @ - yachting term, not used by windsurfers (?)
     adj - adjective
    adv - adverb
    arg. - Argentinian
         f - feminine noun
       m - masculine noun
       pl - plural
        s - substantive
        v - verb

The meaning of the terms can be found here:
- Boards (choose Information/Glossary)

Die Erklärung von Fachbegriffe kann man hier finden:
- surf - Das ABC für Windsurfer

Other languages:

Source / other dictionaries:
(I have removed links which do not work)
English-French Sailing Dicitionary
Webb B. Dziesięciojęzyczny słownik żeglarski, WM, Gdańsk, 1975 (transl. Yachtsman's 8 language dictionary, London 1965)
Kanik W., English for ship's officers, WM, Gdańsk, 1980
Prade K., Windsurf per tutti, Gremese Editore, Roma, 1983, ristampa 1990

Base de Terminologie
Dizionario dei termini nautici

Coyright by the authors
1. Free use for non-commercial purposes
2. Use at your own risk



Opdateret d. 11.3.2005