(in statu nascendi)
Please send any comments, especially corrections and additions to the dictionary,
Many thanks to:
- Luca CAGNONI for Italian
terms - Dolores CAVANAGH
(Argentina) for Spanish terms
- Francois LORHO for French
terms - Vincent NOURRIT for French and Spanish terms
- Jens VIEBIG for German terms
for German terms
Symbols used in the dictionary:
DEF - here you can find a definition of term
# - English term is used
@ - yachting term, not used by windsurfers (?)
adj - adjective
adv - adverb
arg. - Argentinian
f - feminine noun
m - masculine noun
pl - plural
s - substantive
v - verb
Source / other dictionaries:
Coyright by the authors
1. Free use for non-commercial purposes
2. Use at your own risk
Opdateret d. 11.3.2005