The Semi-Automatic Variability Search (SAVS) is a photometric CCD sky survey aimed at discovering of new variable stars in the northern hemisphere. It is located at the Astronomical Observatory of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Piwnice near Torun, Poland. The survey started in spring of 2002 with a two-month test run. Since July 2002 observations have been made systematically.
The research results are presented in News Releases. The list of discovered variable stars is available in the New Variables section. Some currently observed fields are presented in the Monitored Fields section.

NEW! Apr 8, 2009: 66 NEW VARIABLE STARS - MORE..

Photo: W.Skorzynski SAVS, as a low-end project, uses the already existing infrastructure of the Observatory (dome, LAN). Its hardware is composed of: CCD camera, simple optics, camera mount and a control computer. For detailed specification visit the Hardware section.
We developed an easy-to-use and intuitive software SAVS.PL which is dedicated for semi-automatic reduction and analysis of a large amount of CCD images and detecting new variable stars. The package consists of two main programs: DAPhot and JAMP and can be downloaded from the Software Pipeline section.

Images acquired by the SAVS camera are transmitted live over the Internet. Visit Recent Image section to see a recent CCD frame.
Papers describing the survey and presenting discoveries are available in Papers section.

The SAVS project was initiated by Prof. Bohdan Paczynski of Princeton University.
This research is partially financed by UMK grant 431-A.


Last modified: May 31, 2005.