The Semi-Automatic Variability Search Pipeline (SAVS.PL) was developed for the SAVS sky survey purposes. It is an easy-to-use and intuitive software which was created for semi-automatic reduction and analysis of a large amount of CCD images and detecting new variable stars. The package consists of two main programs: DAPhot and JAMP. Programs run under Windows system.

The DAPhot code performs standard reduction process of raw CCD frames by removing instrumental effects such as dark current and flat-field (both optional).
In an automatic way it also detects stars in each frame and conducts precise astrometry for them by transforming instrumental coordinates into equatorial ones and performs aperture photometry for all detected sources. The astrometric calibration of CCD frames bases on stars brighter than 10 mag, for which positions, precession and proper motions are calculated from TYCHO-2 Catalogue. The typical rms error of the transformation is 0.1 pixel. The typical for our images astrometric uncertainty is 1 arc second. This precision makes identification of objects unique in practice.
DAPhot measures magnitudes of stars with differential aperture photometry against selected comparisons. Typical brightness measurement uncertainty represented by standard deviation depends on teh stellar brightness and ranges between 0.03 mag and 0.2 for bright (V=8 mag) and faint (V=13 mag) stars, respectively. The same uncertainty calculated for comparison stars does not exceed 0.03 mag.
A final output file, created for every successfully reduced frame, is a list of detected stars saved in txt format. For every star following data are written: equatorial coordinates for epoch J2000.0, differential magnitude, magnitude error, approximated FWHM of a stellar PSF and location of a star's center on an original image. In the header of the output file some important information about exposition are saved.

The JAMP interface is used for managing and analyzing the collected data. In a fully automatic way it joins data from single observations into databases which are separately created for every observed field. The candidates for variable stars are selected by the analysis of variance (ANOVA) method. The application is also used as a viewer of the content of databases.

Download our software
The SAVS pipeline - SAVS.PL - is not a bug-free software. However, if you find it interesting and useful, you can download the release version:

The SAVS.PL package is provided as a freeware and "as-is". No warranty of any kind is expressed or implied.

To perform a detailed period analysis for selected variable candidates we also developed a tool PerSea. It is based on the analysis of variance (ANOVA) algorithm adopted from ISIS package. The latest executable is available here (1.4 MB).


Last modified: Jan 09, 2019.