II International Conference: Argumentation as a cognitive process, Torun 13-15 May 2010
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  Information about the project  


Nicolaus Copernicus University, TORUŃ, POLAND

1. Department of Theory of Knowledge and Methodology of Science. Institute of Philosophy  2. Department of Logic  3. Department of Applied Informatics         

            The project (directed by Włodzisław Duch, Jacek Malinowski and Urszula Żegleń) is realized with financial support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education  for Polish-American Cooperation  (within the framework of the Cooperative Agreement between Nicolaus Copernicus University and Rutgers University, NJ - the Center for Cognitive Science)

            The project deals with argumentation treated as a cognitive process. The general goal of the project is to confront and synthesize the results of research on argumentation generated by various scientific disciplines, such as philosophy of mind and epistemology, formal logic, computational science, and cognitive psychology. 


The domains of research:


1. The structure of argumentation  (i.e. the structure of selected types of argumentation which are used in everyday, social and scientific discourse). 

2. The forms of mental representations which subserve the process of argumentation and the construction of propositional knowledge.

3. The cognitive mechanisms of argumentation (e.g. Is the process of argumentation realized by a computational mechanism or by some other mechanism? Are different types of argumentation realized by different cognitive mechanisms or by the same mechanism?

4. Cognitive architecture for intelligent agents  (Modeling of dynamic reasoning).

5. The logical mind (in the sense that the cognitive system which includes it has the capacity for discovering or constructing axioms and the laws of logic, proving theorems, and understanding logical rules. The question is: how does the logical mind work? Do we have any encoded structures which are needed for logical thinking (i.e. for inferences or following rules) or do we acquire them by learning?  Do we have any pre-wired logical rules, or are they learned? Is our capacity for logical thinking innate or acquired?).  

6. Brains, logics and computational models (How can brains, using massively parallel computations, perform logical thinking?).

7. Practical argumentation (The mechanisms of practical argumentation, in which conclusions are not strictly inferred from logical rules but which take into account various and unstable situational contexts. Two types of dynamic models of argumentation: (i) positive ones, in which the interlocutors are treated as reliable – models of trust, and (ii) negative ones, in which the agent is capable of purposefully applying false premises in order to instill erroneous beliefs in his of her interlocutors, or he or she uses other kinds of unreliable strategy – models of deception.).


(under the auspices of the Polish Society for Cognitive Science)

15-17 May 2008
Argumentation as a Cognitive Process

13-15 May 2010
Argumentation as a Cognitive Process.
Neurodynamics, Logic and Models of Argumentation    
with related events: Logic in Cognitive Science

The conference was devoted to the memory of John L. Pollock (1940-2009) who in 2007 has accepted the invitation to participate in the project.

Publication plans

1.Special issue of „Studia Logica”  see related topics:

New  Ideas in Argumentation Theory, Special issue of "Studia Logica", eds: Dov M         Gabbay, Leendert Van der Tore, " Studia Logica", vol. 93 no.1-2, 2009 Springer

New Ideas in Applied Logic, Special issue of "Studia Logica", eds: Dov M. Gabbay, Jacek Malinowski, "Studia Logica", vol. 92 no.3, 2009 Springer

2. A tome commemorating John Pollock – a collection of papers with a dedicated part on Pollockian topics.

Correspondence concerning materials for publication in „Studia Logica” should be addressed to the editor of „Studia Logica”, Jacek Malinowski: jacekm@uni.torun.pl

and concerning publication in the book (or if after the 15th of December 2010, in another form) should be addressed to Urszula Zegleń: zeglen@umk.pl

Conference Gallery

II International Conference:
Argumentation as a cognitive process, Torun 13-15 May 2010


II International Conference: Argumentation as a cognitive process,

Torun 13-15 May 2010

  announcement | program | profile | speakers | call for papers | conference fee | committee  



[ Argumentation as a cognitive process ]


May 13 - 15, 2010


The Conference is devoted to the memory of John Pollock

Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń, Poland
under the auspices of
the Polish Society for Cognitive Science

Organizers: Department of Philosophy – Section of Cognitive Science, Department of Logic. Department of Applied Informatics & The Polish Society for Cognitive Science are pleased to invite submissions to the 2nd interterdisciplinary conference on: Argumentation as a cognitive process: NEURODYNAMICS, LOGIC AND MODELS OF ARGUMENTATION, to be held at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland, May 13-15, 2010..The Conference is devoted to the memory of John Pollock.

Program. Official program is now available in two forms: long version (PDF 268 Kb, link also below - click on image) with all the details and guest affiliations;
and short version (link below - click on image, PDF 228 Kb).  
Official conference poster below
(link below - click on image, PDF 116 Kb)

Profile. The conference has an interdisciplinary profile within the domain of Cognitive Science. The conference is included into a wider project whose general goal is to bring together the results of research on argumentation gained on the basis of various sciences: philosophy, formal logic, computer science, cognitive psychology and neuroscience. It is the second conference on this topic organized at the NCU (UMK) in Toruń.

This time, in addition to the key lectures the organizers propose the discussion on the following topics:

(1) philosophy of John Pollock     
(2) cognitive logic
(3) applied computer sciences and neuroscience
cognitive psychology and philosophy 


Information on Torun city, conference location:
How to get to Toruń? Toruń lies on the Vistula, about a two hundred kilometres nord west of Warsaw, the closest international airport and railway hub.
The easiest way to reach Toruń from Warsaw is by train. The trains to Toruń run from the Warsaw Central station (if arriving at the airport, the best way to reach the central station is by bus 175 - the ticket is 2.40 PLN or taxi). It is best to use the on-line rail route planner (leaving 'Warszawa Centralna' arriving 'Torun Glowny') to find out the exact times the trains run. The cost of the rail ticket is under 23 to 58 (express) PLN in second class and under 35 to 87 (express) PLN in first class.
On-line rail route planner [click]
How to get Torun by car, by train, by plane [click]
For details follow links below:
Torun City Website enter for detalis
Torun City at GoogleMaps enter for detalis
Hotel Heban Website enter for detalis
Hotel Heban at GoogleMaps enter for detalis


Invited speakers are:
  • Joe Cruz (Department of Philosophy, Williams College, Willimastown Mass., USA)
  • Jacques Dubucs (CNRS Paris Univ. I, IHPST/Ministère de la Recherche, France)
  • Wlodzislaw Duch (Department of Applied Informatics, NCU, Poland)
  • Pawel Kawalec (John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Poland)
  • Ryszard Wójcicki (Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Poland)


Call for papers. Those who wish to present a paper are kindly asked to send the abstract (approx.200 words, no more than 500 words) of a paper to our conference secretary: anitapacholik@wp.pl
Deadline of extended submission is: March 31, 2010 (The number of papers is limited) Standard oral presentation papers: 20 minute oral presentation (plus 10 mins discussion);



Conference Fee: STANDARD: 80 € (with reception). Payment should be made by cheque at the Nicolaus Copernicus University account: Millennium nr 45 1160 2202 0000 0000 3174 8579 - please add your last name and „konf. Argument

Please contact the organizers for assistance in booking accommodation (the accommodation will be covered only for invited speakers) and for travel information.

Organising Committee
Urszula Zeglen (zeglen@uni.torun.pl)
Jacek Malinowski

Aleksandra Derra
Anita Pacholik

  Conference secretaries:
Sławomir Wacewicz
Anita Pacholik: anitapacholik@wp.pl

  Program Committee
Włodzisław Duch
Andrzej Klawiter (the chairman of the Polish Society for Cognitive Science)
Tomasz Komendzinski
Jacek Malinowski
Urszula Zeglen

This conference is organised within the framework of a cooperative project between Nicolaus Copernicus University (Institute of Philosophy) and Rutgers, The State University (Center for Cognitive Science).
  announcement | news | profile | speakers | call for papers | conference fee | committee  

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