Institute of GeographyTorunPolandPolish version

Institute of Geography
Department of Climatology

Research Programme

Grant Nr 662699102 1993-1995 - Comparison os Arctic and Antarctic climate

Grant Nr 6 P04E 022 16 1999 -2002 - Reconstruction of climat on Polish territorities in the 17th-19th century period on the basis of historical, dendroclimatological, geophysical and instrumental resources. The grant is realised by an interdisciplinart team, where besides of climatologist there are also historics (Deoartment of History, NCU), dendrochronolog (Instytut of Ecology and Environment Protection) and geophysicist (Northern Geothermal, Edmonton, Canada). The study results have already been presented on international conferences in Nice, Cracow and Budapest.
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Institute of Geography NCU