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Please fill in a registration form
and send it to the e-mail address: paleopedology2014@umk.pl
Abstract should be attached or sent later to the same address.

Abstracts preparation:

Abstracts will be published in paper version and available in pdf file in the form submitted
by authors. Please follow the guidelines below:

Abstracts should be prepared in English and fitted to one A4 page
Margins: top, bottom and side margins 2.5 cm
Use Cambria font and single line spacing through the whole text

Title: 14 pt, bold, centered
One empty line 14 pt
Author(s): 12 pt, centered
Affiliation/Address: 12 pt, italic, centered
One empty line 12 pt
Text: 12 pt, left-justified, without a paragraph indentation
Headings: 12 pt, bold, left-justified
Figures and tables: inserted into the text, left-justified and referenced in round brackets
(Fig. 1, Table 1). Table text: 11. Table titles: 12 italics, left-justified
Figures: black-and-white or grayscale with original resolution not less than 200 dpi. Figure
titles: 12 pt, italics, left-justified
References (if any): quoted in the text in round brackets (2) and ordered alphabetically in
reference list below the text, 11 pt
    General information
   Preliminary program
   Field Workshops
   Dates and fees
    Registration & abstracts
   Travel & accomodation

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